Community Engagement

 Volunteer Recognition Wall


January 3rd, 2025

Over the past year, as Mayors, we have been working together with a small committee to review the best way for our communities to recognize the accomplishments of those who have made our areas a better place in which to live and to instill pride in the place we all call home.

Our work is now at the stage we want to share our findings with you and to invite your input to the important next phase of nominating those who merit public acknowledgment for their efforts.

We have decided to receive nominations of those who have made exceptional efforts and achieved special results in the categories of volunteerism, athletics, academic and research and business prowess. These nominations may even go back in time to recognize such contributions.

Volunteerism pertains to working with local charities to meet proven results and in the development of our youth; athleticism captures those who have achieved provincial, national or world standards; academic and research covers those who have brought pride to our municipalities in their publications and awards, and business leaders being those who have achieved major success in meeting client needs and in employing others.

Persons who are chosen each year by a selection committee will have their names put up on a RECOGNITION WALL in the Kiwanis Hall for all to see (similar to the Donor Wall in the Tri Area Medical Centre) and have their story presented on the website of their Municipality and on Facebook. A donation of $100 will be made in their name to the charity of their choice.

You are invited to nominate persons by submitting their name and a brief summary of their accomplishments by March 31 to:

Wall Committee, P.O. Box 95 Madoc Ontario, K0K 2K0 or electronically to

Wall Final selections will be made public by June of each year.

It is believed that this project not only displays a fine partnership between our Municipalities, but also shows our appreciation for our residents' talents, in enriching our lives.

Tom Deline, Centre Hastings, Mayor

Loyde Blackburn, Madoc Township, Mayor

Volunteer Recognition Wall


Here is the fun section of our website! A variety of activities for our youth and as well special events that are going on within our community.This is where you'll find everything you need to know about some of our local programs!

Four times a year, Canadian residents can fish in Ontario for free. This means you do not need to buy a fishing licence if you want to fish during:

  • Family Fishing Weekend (February 15–17, 2025)
  • Mother’s Day Weekend (May 10–11, 2025)
  • Father’s Day Weekend (June 14–15, 2025)
  • Family Fishing Week (June 28–July 6, 2025)

Free fishing periods remind us of the value of Ontario’s recreational fishery, and the importance of keeping it healthy for future generations. While fishing during a free fishing period you must:

  • follow conservation licence catch limits
  • obey size limits and sanctuaries
  • follow the fishing regulations
  • carry a permit or identification card issued by the provincial or federal government, showing your name and date of birth

Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary

Use Fish ON-Line


TackleShare loans out rods and reels for free. New anglers can gear up at locations across the province including:

  • Ontario provincial parks
  • conservation authorities
  • libraries

Learn to Fish Guide

Rules on using fishing tackle

Holiday Activities Zone 


Here is a variety of Easter colouring sheets for the kids! Have fun and Hoppy Easter!!!!

  1. Easter Egg Bird
  2. Happy Easter Eggs
  3. Easter Egg Wreath
  4. Easter Bunny
  5. Easter Bunny X2
  6. Design Your Egg
  7. Easter Egg
  8. Happy Easter

Honour Our Veterans Banner Program

The Municipality of Centre Hastings has been in partnership with the BIT & Madoc Legion Branch 363 with this program since 2021.

This fantastic program showcases our veterans and members who paid the supreme sacrifice.

The banners are placed up throughout Centre Hastings and the area from September to November.

Applications are available at the Madoc Legion Branch 363 & Mackenzie Mills Emporium.

For participants who are interested in the banner program, please click the application form:

Honour Our Veteran Banner Program Application Form - 2025


Municipality of Centre Hastings Community Tree Event

Every year, the Municipality of Centre Hastings collaborates with Quinte Conservation for the Community Trees Event. During this event, the Council and staff distribute a selection of trees at no cost to the residents of Centre Hastings. This initiative is exclusive to local residents, with each person allowed to take home up to five trees.

This year's Community Tree Event is scheduled for May 3rd at the Art Centre, located at 24 Seymour St W, Madoc, ON K0K 2K0, from 9 AM to 12 PM (while supplies last).

Remember to bring a container for your seedlings and ensure the roots stay cool, dark, and moist until you can plant them. Together, let’s enhance the greenery of our community!

See you there!!!

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