Ben Danford Recognition Event

Ben Danford Recognition Event

On July 20th, 2024, the Madoc Art Centre was buzzing with the Centre Hastings community and supporters, all coming together to celebrate and honour Ben Danford. The outpouring of support and recognition for Ben's accomplishments was truly touching.

Ben was recently drafted by the Toronto Maple Leafs in the first round of the 2024 NHL draft. Additionally, he was a Gold Medalist at the Hlinka/Gretzky tournament with Team Canada and played a crucial role in leading the Generals to the OHL Championship Series this past spring.

It is heartening to witness the strong backing from the community in acknowledging Ben Danford! Let us persist in backing our youth and honouring leaders within the community.

Go Ben Go


Municipality of Centre Hastings Township of Madoc Bruce Lee House League Hockey Hastings County EcD

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