Centre Hastings council evaluated the latest fire truck and warmly welcomed the incoming chief.

Centre Hastings council evaluated the latest fire truck and warmly welcomed the incoming chief.

Press Release

On Wednesday, November 15th 2023, during their Regular Meeting Centre Hastings Council reviewed the newest fire truck to be added to the Centre Hastings Fire Department’s fleet.

The Freightliner is the latest pumper tanker designed to offer both rescue and pumper truck capabilities. The Freightliner has the ability to function efficiently in emergency response and structural fire situations. The pumper tanker is equipped with a Hale pump that has a pumping capacity of 6500 liters per minute, along with a water storage tank that can hold up to 4650 liters.

Centre Hastings Council introduced Derek Snider as the incoming Fire Chief. Derek Snider has been selected by Council to take on the role of Fire Chief for Centre Hastings upon the retirement of the current Chief Bob Branscombe. Derek has been a dedicated member of the Centre Hastings Fire Department for over 30 years, and his experience and expertise have earned him the respect of his colleagues and the community at large.

As Fire Chief, Derek will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Fire Department, including emergency response, fire prevention, and community outreach. He will work closely with other municipal officials and emergency services to ensure that the community is well-protected and prepared for any emergency situation.

The official appointment of Derek as Fire Chief will take place during the Council's meeting on December 13th. This appointment is a significant milestone in Derek's career and a testament to his hard work and dedication to the fire department and the community. Centre Hastings Council is confident that Derek will excel in his new role and continue to serve the community with distinction.

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