Spring Road Conditions Are Here!

Spring Road Conditions Are Here!

The spring season has arrived, bringing with it potholes and road maintenance issues.

While the snow is almost gone, the frequent swings in temperature contribute to deteriorating conditions that we now see on many of our roads, particularly on gravel roads.

Currently, many of the gravel roads are saturated with moisture, leaving the road surface soft; in these conditions, grading of the road surface may contribute to, or even compound the deficiencies in the surface. For this reason, some roads or road sections need additional time to dry out and firm up before full grading can begin. Municipal staff may undertake limited, shallow spot grading during this interim period in areas of critical deterioration.

Although you may notice equipment working on the roads, we are unable to complete a full grading of gravel roads until the roads dry out further.

It is a bad time of year for roads everywhere and we ask that drivers use caution and slow down on rural roads. We will continue to patch and grade all areas as the spring season progresses.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we move forward to repair our road system.

Kevin Hart, C.E.T., CRS-S
Director of Public Works
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