The Municipality of Centre Hastings Receives Mel Bronson Fire Fighter Collection

The Municipality of Centre Hastings Receives Mel Bronson Fire Fighter Collection

The Municipality of Centre Hastings Council would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude to Brian Bronson for your donation of Mel Bronson Fire Fighting Collection. Your father's dedication and selflessness in serving the community of Centre Hastings holds immense significance.

The collection has been meticulously documented and showcased at the Centre Hastings Fire Department Station 2 display case. This collection serves as a testament to your father's remarkable contributions and serves as a reminder of the impact he has made on the community.

Mel's collection is not just a display of firefighting equipment and memorabilia, but it is also a tribute to the men and women who have served as firefighters in Centre Hastings. It is a celebration of their bravery, their commitment, and their unwavering dedication to the safety and well-being of our community.

We believe that this collection will serve as a source of inspiration for aspiring firefighters, who will be able to see firsthand the equipment and tools that have been used to fight fires in Centre Hastings over the years. It will also serve as a source of motivation for all of us, reminding us of the importance of supporting our local firefighters and of the sacrifices that they make on our behalf.

We are proud to host this collection, and we are committed to ensuring that it remains on exhibit for many years to come. We believe that it is an important part of our community's history, and we are honoured to have the opportunity to share it with the public.


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