Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Municipality of Centre Hastings. Volunteering is a great way to enrich our community, learn new skills, gain experience, meet new friends, and have fun. Volunteers make a difference!
Century Village
199 Front Street, Suite 121 Belleville, ON
Phone: (613)969-8862
Toll Free: 1(866)340-0899
Fax: (613)969-2826
The Municipality of Centre Hastings understands the value of volunteers and are always happy to have volunteer support at our events and activities. If you would like to get involved please contact the Municipal Office or complete and return the Volunteer Application form below.
7 Furnace Street, Box 900,
Madoc, ON, KOK 2KO
Centre Hastings Municipal Office
Phone: (613)473-4030 | Fax: 613-473-5444
Open 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday and 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on Friday
Centre Hastings firefighters are a volunteer force dedicated to providing life saving services as needed.
Please see the Fire Department page for more details

Municipality of
Centre Hastings
7 Furnace Street,
PO Box 900,
Madoc, ON K0K 2K0
Phone: 613-473-4030