Economic Development

Economic Development is an important aspect of future planning for the municipality.  Centre Hastings is a growing community with many unique traits.

"Enhance, encourage and promote a unique identity by creating an environment that supports existing business, and attracts new business. Address main street action items through enhancing the downtown and the promotion of events."

The past two years has seen major improvements and investments not only to the downtown core but throughout the Municipality. Businesses have taken advantage of funds available through the CIP to improve the façade of their building. Enhancement of hamlets and the village have taken place in the way of banners, identifying events along with flowers grown by the local High School.

Large events have been supported in way of transporting participants to downtown and informing them in the way of brochure what our Municipality has to offer. This has been very successfully with major dollars being spent in our community.

In partnership with the Hastings County Economic and Tourism Development Office, we can put you in touch with the right contacts, help identify available buildings and properties, point you in the direction of funding and financing opportunities and also offer you free and confidential business management coaching.  No matter whether it’s a resident looking to turn their passion into a business, or an established business owner looking to expand or needs help with their management plans, the County can help.  To learn more, contact Andrew Redden, Economic and Tourism Development Manager at or (613)966.6712 ext. 4011.

 Spend Local

When you start feeding the local economy, the impact doesn’t just show on paper but shows in the strength of the community. In general, local business owners have greater incentives to support other local businesses, suppliers, and more. What goes around, comes around.

Eat Locally

We are so fortunate to have so much range and variety of choices of food & restaurant in Centre Hastings. This benefits you and your neighbours, both businesses and families. The success of locally owned restaurants is rooted in the relationships, health, and economy of our community.

Shop Locally

Small businesses are a big part of our communities and especially here in Centre Hastings. They provide jobs, support for families, and inspire innovation in their fields. That’s why we should support them by shopping locally as often as possible.

Buy Locally

Our neighbours and community create local economies through the shops they own and operate in your neighbourhood. Not the big box stores which import products from other countries but the stores that focus on sourcing their products and items for sale from your neighbours and fellow Canadians. 


Hannah Praisley

Community & Development Services Manager/Deputy Clerk

Brock Kerby

Community Development Officer

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