Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan>
Municipality of Centre Hastings Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan
A New 10-Year Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan to guide Municipal decision-making is nearing completion. This is an opportunity to learn about the plan and its importance to the future of Centre Hastings’ parks, open spaces, trails and indoor facilities.
The Municipality is hosting a drop-in Public Open House on May 9th, 2023 - Come out and have your say!!
Join us at the upcoming drop-in session:
- Date: Tuesday, May 9th, 2023
- Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
- 24 Seymour St W, Madoc, ON K0K 2K0
Please right click on this link to access the Parks, Recreation & Culture Master Plan Technical Compendium Draft
The Municipality of Centre Hastings is embarking on the preparation of a Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan to guide the future direction in planning recreational and cultural facilities and services.
The Parks, Recreation, and Culture Masterplan User Group meeting took place on November 28th, 2022.
The presentation is linked below:
Parks, Recreation, and Culture Masterplan User Group Presentation
Sierra Planning and Management has been commissioned to develop the Master Plan. The principal objectives of the project are to determine community priorities and develop a series of recommendations and action steps to accommodate the current and future recreational and cultural needs of the Municipality. The Plan will guide future investment in facilities, programs, services, and partnerships.
The Master Plan will be developed through a comprehensive consultation process, including public and user group online surveys and engagement sessions. Keep checking this webpage to follow progress of the project and see how you can provide your input to the Master Plan.
Proposed project and community engagement timeline:
- Online Public Survey: Launching late October 2022
- Online User Group Survey: Launching November 1, 2022 (by Invitation)
- User Group Meeting: Mid-November 2022 (by Invitation)
- Public Open House: January 2023
- Submission of the draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan: January 31, 2023
For more information on the project please contact: