Commissioner of Oaths>
Commissioner of Oaths
The Municipality of Centre Hastings can sign documents that need the signature of a Commissioner of Oaths or Commissioner for Taking Affidavits.
There is a standard fee for commissioning on a per document basis. Please contact us for pricing.
You will need to bring valid photo identification. The identification should show your full name, signature, and address.
Please contact us to see if a Commissioner of Oaths is available before you attend our office.
We have four Commissioner of Oaths that can sign documents at their discretion, including but not limited to the following:
- Travel letters and permissions;
- Proof of residency;
- Transfer of vehicle ownership;
- Pension plan and insurance claim documents;
- Municipality forms (consent/severance applications, etc.);
- Other government-related forms
The Commissioner of Oaths will not sign documents related to:
- Wills, testaments, and estates;
- Powers of Attorney;
- Divorce, separation or custody;
- Real estate;
- Court documents or any documents related to court proceedings;
- Any other documents requiring a Notary Public
We do not provide the services of a Notary Public; please contact a lawyer for this service.
Municipality of
Centre Hastings
7 Furnace Street,
PO Box 900,
Madoc, ON K0K 2K0
Phone: 613-473-4030