Other groups supporting Parks, Recreation, and Culture>
Other groups supporting Parks, Recreation, and Culture
Organizers of the Madoc Little Theatre monthly TIFF movies. The Movies are currently suspended due to COVID-19 (typically shown on the first Tuesday of the month at 2pm and 7pm. Tickets available at the door ($8 Matinee, $10 Evening).
Contact number: (613)473-4049 email: rocklit.smith@gmail.com
Contact: The Bookworm used book store. friendsofmadoclibrary@hotmail.com
Contact number: (613)473-4456
Web Site: www.madocpubliclibrary.ca/about/friends
Contact: Stuart Kerby (613)473-4388
The Fall Fair takes place the third weekend in September, at the Madoc & District Arena, on Cooper Road.
Web Site: www.madocfair.org
Contact: Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 669 Madoc, On K0K 2K0 | (613)473-1616 – Always looking for volunteers.

Municipality of
Centre Hastings
7 Furnace Street,
PO Box 900,
Madoc, ON K0K 2K0
Phone: 613-473-4030