Madoc Pool

Madoc pool now closed permanently. Meetings with Pool Task Force will take place to determine next steps.

On February 19, Council made the challenging but necessary decision to close the Madoc pool permanently.

Given high costs to either repair or replace the pool, its limited use and the popularity of other Madoc recreational spaces, it is not financially feasible to replace the pool. It is also not financially responsible to continue fixing it. As a Municipality, it is important that we deliver quality services at costs that taxpayers can bear. Unfortunately, we can no longer bear the costs of the aging pool.

We understand that the Madoc community pool has a long history that spans more than four decades. It carries fond memories for our residents and families.

We want to ensure that we invest in recreational facilities and programming that bring the greatest value for everyone.  

Acknowledging community fundraising 

The Municipality is thankful and recognizes the incredible efforts of the Madoc Pool Task Force for the more than $185,000 that has been raised, in hopes to protect the pool.

The money raised for the pool is currently held in a reserve at the Municipality.

 We plan to engage those who fundraised, plus the broader community, to propose ideas.

We will keep this page updated. Keep checking back. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Staff reports indicated that it was going to cost a minimum of $150,000 in 2025 alone just to bring the facility up to minimum operating standards, plus the cost for lifeguards and day-to-day operations. Even the $185,000 raised by the community, Municipality would not be able to cover the costs to re-open the pool for one more season. In addition, the investment would only be a Band-aid measure, not a long-term solution that would keep the pool open long term.

For this reason, Council approved the permanent closure of the pool and has requested staff bring forth a report that outlines the costs associated with decommissioning the facility.

The Municipality is thankful and recognizes the incredible efforts of the Madoc Pool Task Force for the money that has been raised. However, the money raised would not cover the full annual expenses to open and operate the pool, which, in the end, would only be a short-term measure. It would not guarantee the pool could open again in the future.

Our understanding is that the community’s dollars were intended for a long-term solution for the pool. It isn’t feasible or responsible to keep using Band-Aid fixes to keep the pool operational.

Council must carefully balance the best interests of the whole community with the best interests of the municipality and the realities of the municipal budget.

As well, Centre Hastings has other aging recreational infrastructure that needs attention. Some of the equipment at the Madoc skatepark nears or exceeds 20 years old. As an example, last year, we replaced a slide at the skatepark at a cost of $56,000.

We want to invest in recreational facilities and programming that brings the best value to the residents of Centre Hastings.

The money raised for the pool is currently held in a reserve at the Municipality. We will engage those who fundraised to propose ideas for how the money can be re-invested into existing recreation in Centre Hastings. 

In collaboration with the Madoc Pool Task Force, the municipality will consider next steps and consider alternatives for how these funds could be used to enhance recreation in Centre Hastings. 

At the same time, we have heard the community’s concerns regarding their donations to the Madoc Pool fund.

Municipal staff are working on determining how any refunds may be administered. This is an involved process that includes reviewing more than 10 years of financial donation records and consultation with the Canada Revenue Agency related to charitable giving. Please allow our staff time to complete this work. 

We will provide ongoing updates to this page.

Staff is reaching out to the Madoc Pool Task Force and are working on an engagement plan, based on their feedback.  

We have some great facilities here in Centre Hastings that are popular with residents– such as Madoc skatepark and splash pad. We have opportunities to make them better and want to find a collaborative solution the brings the greatest value for everyone. 

In collaboration with the Pool Task Force, it is our hope that the community will support the recommendations provided and support alternatives for how these funds could be used to enhance recreation in Centre Hastings.

At the same time, we have heard the community’s concerns regarding their donations to the Madoc Pool fund. Municipal staff are working on determining how any refunds may be administered. This is an involved process that includes reviewing more than 10 years of financial donation records and consultation with the Canada Revenue Agency related to charitable giving. Please allow our staff time to complete this work.  We will provide ongoing updates to this page.

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