Madoc Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Master Plan

The Municipality of Centre Hastings has initiated a Master Planning process in accordance with Approach 1 of the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) to develop a Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Master Plan for Madoc.

The Master Plan study is assessing various options to improve the performance and reliability of the water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure to ensure they can be relied upon to accommodate current and future flows generated within the urban boundary of Madoc.

Public and agency consultation is a key part of the Master Planning process. Based on your input, the Master Plan study will identify preferred solution(s) that will benefit the community over the short, mid,and long terms.

Two Public Information Centres will be held in 2024 prior to confirming the preferred servicing
solutions. In the meantime, the study team will review background information and determine
alternative solutions.

You can contact a member of the study team listed below with any questions or to provide input on the Master Plan study. Updates will also be provided throughout the Master Plan study on the Municipality’s website.

Susan Jingmiao Shi, P.Eng., M.Eng.
Senior Environmental Engineer
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
203-863 Princess Street
Kingston, ON K7L 5N4

Allison Mokracki, P.Eng.
Water and Wastewater Engineer
Ontario Clean Water Agency
2085 Hurontario Street, 5th floor
Mississauga, ON L5A 4G1

This study is being conducted according to the requirements of Approach 1 of a Master Plan under the Ontario Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process (October 2000, as amended in 2015 and

This Notice was issued on December 4th, 2023.

This Phase 1 Report was prepared to summarize the findings from the first phase of the Master Plan process and to use as a basis for the identification and evaluation of alternative options during Phase 2.

The objectives of this Report are:
• To establish 30-year future growth projections.
• To provide a description of existing conditions and constraints associated with the water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure within Madoc, including a summary of historical water/wastewater flows and water/wastewater quality, and findings from models of each system.
• To determine the residual capacity for water supply/treatment and sewage lagoon.
• To provide anticipated timing for when rated capacities of each system will be reached.
• To establish proposed design basis for future servicing needs.
• To identify land use and planning constraints, and natural environment constraints.
• To establish a Problem/Opportunity Statement.

Please find the Phase 1 Report here.
Please find the Phase 1 Appendices here.

Tuesday February 27, 2024
5:00pm - 7:00pm
24 Seymour Street West, Madoc (Arts Centre)

Inclement weather date: Thursday February 29, 2024 (same location, same time).


Tuesday June 11, 2024
5:00pm - 7:00pm
24 Seymour Street West, Madoc (Arts Centre)


Master Plan Figures

Ethan Griffith

Environmental Supervisor

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